I am a Pirate King
You are, hurrah for a Pirate King
And it is, it is a glorious thing
to be the Pirate King
It is, hurrah for a Pirate King
I am the Pirate King
He tore our goddamn sail again!
Sew that up, love.
Today, Frederic, you join us
as a full-fledged member of our band.
Your apprenticeship papers. 21 today.
I'd hoped to spare you this.
Though as friends, I love you all.
But, today... Today I leave you forever.
What? Why, this is lunacy!
I cannot forget!
I cannot forget
it was cutthroats such as you...
who murdered my family
and left me an orphan.
Not fair, Freddy.
We're orphans ourselves.
We would never hurt an orphan.
Yes, I know.
But I fulfilled my contract...
and I feel honor-bound to devote myself...
heart and soul to your extermination!
Extermination? That sounds a little harsh.
Such is my sense of duty.
If you conscientiously feel
that it is your duty to destroy us...
we cannot blame you.
It's the way I've raised you.
I've been as low and vicious as I could.
But something inside...
tells me there's more to life. I know it!
More than piracy?
Lately, I've been restless.
I've been consumed by some inner fire.