The Pirate Movie

Hang five, honky!
Climbing over rocky mountain
Skipping rivulet and fountain

Passing where the willows quiver
Passing where the willows quiver
By the ever-rolling river

Oh, let her be! Who needs her?
She's a disgrace to the noble name
of Stanley. Just look at her.

I wouldn't wear that dress to bed.
I think that's the whole idea.
Wash your mouth out.
What is she looking for?
She'll have a long wait.
She's the youngest and by noble custom,
the eldest must marry first.

- Which makes me first.
- Me second.

And me third.
Gee, we'll all be 50.
Let us gaily tread the measure
Make the most of fleeting leisure
Worship nature while we can
Far away from any man
Far away from any man
Make the most of fleeting leisure
Far away from any man
Climbing over rocky mountain
Do you believe that song?
Passing where the willows quiver
