
Sorry, the second scene
of the first act.

Second scene of the first act. Right.
Begin when you're ready.

Yes, of course.
Oh, sweetheart, do you know what
it was like waking up in Paris...

...seeing the empty pillow where--
Wait! Cover your breasts. Kevin is
downstairs! My God, what are you?

I'm a woman. Not Felicia's mother.
Not Kevin's wife.

Thanks very much.
We need someone a little older.

Mom! Dad! Uncle Pete, come quick!
Something's wrong with Biscuit!
I think he's dead!

We're looking for someone younger.
"They have dinner--" Can I start again?
I didn't get kicked off right.

The reading was fine.
You're the wrong height.

I can be taller.
No. We're looking
for somebody shorter.

Look. I don't have to be this tall.
See, I'm wearing lifts.
I can be shorter.

I know, but we're looking
for somebody different.

I can be different.
We're looking for somebody else.
What do you care more
about than working?

The part's the most important thing.
But love sometimes is too.

With improvisation, you're the writer.
When somebody writes a play...

...they decide where the highs are,
where the lows are. Now you do it.

And you may not be high where
they're high in the writing.

You may not be low where they're low.
You may be high on "but."
You may be high on "and."

Of course, they were doing it
for dough...

...the same as everybody
does it for dough.

But the question is in
the last analysis.

What were they doing for dough?
You and me were advancing our
little non-Prussian careers.

So when all hell broke loose,
and the Germans ran out of soap...

...and figured, "What the hell?
Let's cook up Mrs. Greenwald!"...

...who the hell do you
think stopped them?
