
-ls George Fields in?
-Yes, he is.

Now, wait a minute.
You can't just go in there!

Michael, he's tied up right now.
I swear!

Hang on. Will you wait outside?
I'm talking to the Coast.

This is a coast.
New York is a coast too.

Oh, boy.
Sy, are you--
God-- Look what you--

Get him back.
I cut myself off.

What is it, Michael?
Terry Bishop's doing Iceman.
You promised to send me up for that.

You told me I'd get a reading for that.
Aren't you my agent?

-Stuart Pressman wants a name.
-Terry Bishop is a name?

Michael Dorsey is a name,
when you want to send a steak back.

Wait, wait, wait!
You always do this to me.

It was a rotten thing to say.
Let me start again.

Terry Bishop is on a soap.
Millions watch him every day.

That qualifies him to ruin Iceman?
I can act circles around him.

-I played that part in Minneapolis.
-lf he wants a name, that's his affair.

People are in this business
to make money.

-I'm in it to make money too.

The Harlem Theatre for the Blind?
The People's Workshop at Syracuse?

Wait a minute.
I did nine plays up at Syracuse.

I got great reviews from the critics.
Not that that's why I did it.

God forbid you should lose
your standing as a cult failure.

You think I'm a failure?
I will not get sucked
into this conversation.

I will not.
I sent you my roommate's play to read.
It had a great part in it for me.

Where do you come off sending me
a play for you to star in?

I'm not your mother.
I don't find plays for you to star in.

I field offers.
That's what I do.

Who told you that?
The agent fairy?

I could be terrific in that part.
-Nobody's going to do that play.

It's a downer about a couple
that move back to Love Canal.

But that actually happened.
Nobody wants to watch people
living next to chemical waste!
