What do you think?
Hurry. I'm late.
Turn around.
-Say something.
-Hello. It's nice to meet you.
You look very nice. Nice.
But the hair's not right.
You got a Howard Johnson's thing going.
Do something. I can't be late
my first day. Come on.
-Easy, easy!
-It's not your head.
-Let's see.
Well, it works.
But what?
Don't play hard to get.
Taxi! Taxi!
-Dorothy Michaels. Southwest General.
-Oh, yeah.
TV 2.
Straight ahead, first right.
Is that clock right?
-I couldn't get a cab.
Hi, Bobby. This is Miss Michaels.
You'll be in Room 4. We'll need you
on set in about 15 minutes.
-I'm sorry.
-That's ok--
-Oh, Jesus.
-It's quite all right.
-I'm April Paige.
-My, what a nice-looking table.
-Yes, it's very smooth.
And that's a very good idea.
A socket for a plug.
-Yeah, well, we got everything.
-Yes, I see.
Just push all that out of the way.
Make yourself at home.
One more thing, Miss Michaels.
I forgot to give you these.
Oh, are these for today?
They always throw stuff
at you in the last minute.
-My goodness!
-What's wrong?
-I have to kiss Dr. Brewster!
-He kisses all the women.
We call him "The Tongue."
Okay, quickly. Now, the tubes
have pulled out of Rick's nose.
Julie, there's an alert
at your station.
Rick, get on the floor.
That's why the tubes pulled out.
When Julie starts stuffing
the tubes back up your nose...