I thought when Dr. Brewster--
You will enter from here,
cross to this mark.
I know my mark.
But I thought--
The corridor scene will be played
right here. Right?
See, I just wanted to ask
concerning the doctor--
Places, please.
Stand by, tape is rolling.
Five, four, three....
Oh, Anthea!
Freeze up.
One twenty-five.
Nurse Charles! Are you insane?
I'm Emily Kimberly,
the new hospital administrator.
Nurse Charles, what on earth
is going on here, dear?
Help me get her to her feet,
Miss Kimberly.
John's going.
Nurse Charles, tend to your patient
and faint on your own time!
-Yes, Miss--
Dr. Brewster...
...you and I must talk.
-Rita, you want to keep rolling?
-It's okay. The girl saved it.
-You haven't changed, Emily.
-But I have, Medford.
You know, Emily, there's no reason
for us to be in opposite camps.
We can rule Southwest General together.
I admire people with power.
Women with power, especially.
God, she hit him on the head.
Rita, she hit him.
--and not consider it a threat?
I'm afraid that you have
underestimated me.
If you want to win me over,
you'll deal with my mind...
...and not my lips.
-Cut it.
-And stop tape.
-I was supposed to kiss her.
-lt was just an instinct.
Remember what you said about
being more threatening?
It was a good instinct.
It would've been mine.
Wait. I'll handle the instincts here.
It happened to be a good
instinct, toots.
But next time you want to change
something, discuss it with me first.
Yes. I was wrong not to.
Good girl.
Big John, wonderful!
All right, people.
Item seven. In the corridor.