I don't know what to do.
Don't tell me your husband beats you,
but you can't move out.
-Why should you move?
-What is she saying?
Three's up. Ready one.
You know what I'd do
if somebody did this to me?
I'd pick up the biggest thing
around and I'd just...
...bash their brains
right through...
...the top of their skull before
I'd let them beat me up again.
Well, I can't afford therapy,
Miss Kimberly.
Who said anything about therapy?
-Cut it, Ron.
-Cut it!
Wait a minute. Her line is
"Your husband--"
Wait a second.
May I say in my own defence...
... to tell a woman
with two children, no money...
...and a husband who beats
her up like this...
... to move into a welfare centre
to get therapy is a lot of...
I wouldn't do it, would you?
-I can't act with this.
-Oh, shut up.
I'm partially to blame, Miss Kimberly.
I know I'm pretty, and I use it.
I guess I shouldn't have gone
to Dr. Brewster's office so late.
No, that's not true.
Dr. Brewster has tried to seduce
several nurses on this ward...
...claiming to be in the throes
of an uncontrollable impulse.
Do you know what?
I'm going to give every nurse
on this floor an electric cattle prod...
...and instruct them to just zap
him in his "badubies."
Cattle prod?
Ruby. Hi, do you want to
open up the yellow pages...
...under the section
of Farm Equipment....