
I am Dorothy. Nobody's writing her.
It's coming out of me.

You're Michael acting Dorothy.
It's the same thing.
I'm experiencing these feelings.

Why can't you get me a special?
I feel I have something to say to women.

-You have nothing to say to women.
-I have plenty to say to women.

I've been an unemployed
actor for 20 years!

I know what it's like to wait
for the phone to ring!

Then when I finally get a job,
I have no control! I got zip!

If I could impart that experience
to other women--

There are no other women
like you. You're a man!

Yes, I realize that, of course.
But I'm also an actress.

-We shouldn't argue about this.
-I'm a potentially great actress.

I could do Medea, Ophelia, Lady Macbeth.
Just like in Shakespeare's day.

Get the writers at the agency--
I could do a great Eleanor Roosevelt.
We can do the
Eleanor Roosevelt story!

The Eleanor Roosevelt story?
What's the matter with that?
Phil Weintraub's party is Saturday.
Let's just go.

Have a good time.
Don't take yourself so seriously.

-He never invited me to a party.
-I'm inviting you.

He did a fabulous job on your eyes.
I can't blink for a week. Really.
-I don't like it here.
-Stand up straight.

-What do you want?
-A double champagne.

What is this?
Just serve yourself?

Hi. What would you like?
Give me two--
-Two what?
-Of anything.

-I'm sorry--
-A couple of champagnes.

-Can I get you something?
-Vodka on the rocks with a twist.

You don't remember me?
When I came in, I thought
you looked familiar.

-What's your name again?
