You gotta make it work.
They'll pay. They'll go from
650 to 850 an episode.
You get me out of this,
or I'll go in and tell them.
Tell them what?
That you put a network on the spot?
You're making a fool out of women?
They'll kill you!
My secretary wants to be like
Dorothy Michaels. I want to fire her.
We're talking major fraud here.
Major fraud! You can't tell them.
What about me? You think anybody
will believe I wasn't in on this?
It's not just ruining yourself.
This is ruining me too.
You can't do it.
You gotta make it work.
-Can you take that many Valium?
-We'll see.
Maybe your contract has
a morals clause.
If Dorothy did something filthy or
disgusting, they'd let you go.
But you've already done everything
filthy and disgusting on your show.
Dorothy, it's Julie.
There's sort of an emergency.
Well, it's not really an emergency...
...but if you get a chance,
would you call me?
-Are you sure you wanna do this?
-No, but I'm going to.
I've been fooling myself about Ron
for too long now.
I guess I really wanted you here
for moral support.
Although I did fire Mrs. Crawley today.
I really did.
-Want a drink?
-I'm not the one breaking up with Ron.
I'd buy a ticket to that.
You have influenced me though.
I've seen Ron through your eyes.
Julie, I don't want
that responsibility.
Why shouldn't you influence me?
You wouldn't compromise your
feelings like I have...
...or live this kind of lie.
Well, no, I wouldn't.
Of course not. And you're right.
It's just....
I deserve something better.
I don't have to settle for this.
But I've always been too lazy
or too scared or too something.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
What the hell?
I'll live, won't l?
Maybe not happily, but honestly.