-You treat me like I'm a jerk.
-I called and you didn't call back!
-No, it's--
My new answering machine is no good.
I'll answer my own calls.
-I went to six stores for your favourite.
-Chocolate-covered cherries?
That's sweet.
Oh, and a card.
Oh, yeah. No, no!
Don't, don't read it!
I was very angry when I wrote that!
"Thank you for the lovely night
in front of the fire.
Missing you, Les."
This isn't for me.
It's another girl's candy.
I wouldn't give you
another girl's candy.
-Then, whose is it?
A guy named Les sends you candy?
Yes. He's a friend of mine.
He can't eat candy. He's diabetic.
Why is he thanking you for
a lovely night in front of the fire?
My mind's a blank.
Are you gay?
In what sense?
Just be honest with me.
For once in your life tell the truth!
Because these stories
are very demeaning to me.
No matter how bad the truth is...
...it doesn't tear you apart inside
like dishonesty.
At least it leaves you with
some self-respect and some dignity.
You're right.
Okay. Okay.
I'm not gonna lie to you anymore.
I'm gonna tell you the truth.
I'm in love with another woman.
What are you saying?!
-Sandy, please. Don't--
-You liar!
We never said "l love you."
-We went to bed one time.
-I don't care.
You're a dear friend. But let's not
pretend it was something else!
We're gonna lose everything!
I don't care about "l love you!"
I read The Second Sex...
...and The Cinderella Complex!
I'm responsible for my own orgasms!
I just don't like to be lied to!
You asked me
to be straight with you.
I didn't say
how I'd feel about it.