I just feel it would be leading you on.
It wouldn't be fair to you.
I really love you, Dorothy.
But I can't....
I can't love you.
Places, everybody.
Fifteen seconds to commercial.
I don't care how you get there.
This is the most important night
in Emily's life.
We're all going to be there
to honour her, including you.
Stand by.
Quiet, please, on the floor.
Stand by.
Twenty-two and 23
come down to 1 8.
Hold it.
That's good.
Five, four, three....
Let's raise our glasses to our
guest of honour, Ms. Emily Kimberly.
We're looking forward to having
you grace us with your presence...
...for many years to come.
Thank you, Gordon.
I can't tell you all how moved I am.
I never in my wildest dreams...
...imagined that I would be the object
of so much genuine affection.
It makes it more difficult for
me to say what I'm now going to say.
I do feel it's time
to set the record straight.
I didn't come here
just as an administrator.
I came to this hospital
to settle a score.
What score?
My father built
this hospital.
But to his family...
...he was an unmerciful tyrant.
An absolute dodo bird.
Oh, no! Not live.
Let's see where she goes.
He drove my mother to drink.
In fact, she went riding one time
and lost all her teeth.
What? What?