Trail of the Pink Panther

No, not you. Tell me, where is he now?
At his hotel. I think you should
call him and order him back to Paris.

until we verify this rumour, under no
circumstances allow him to go to Lugash.

- Yes?
- Do you have for me the "massage"?

- You want a massage?
- If you have one for me, yes.

Why don't you try Tokyo Lil
at the end of the block?

Ask for Passionflower Shirley,
the Yokohama Butterfly.

- Why should l do that?
- You want a massage.

Yes, but l want it from you.
Sir, l don't give massages.
- You gave me one this morning.
- You're mistaken.

Don't you try the tricks anglais
with me, monsieur.

I received a "massage" this morning from
lnspector Quinlan of the Yard of Scotland.

- The massage!
- It was you that gave it to me.

- Message. You mean message.
- I know what l mean, you lunatic.

Do you or do you not
have for me the "massage"?

No, sir. For you, there is no massage.
(phone rings)
- Grouse-Moor Hotel.
- Inspector Clouseau.

He just went up to his room. I'll ring.
Thank you.
(phone rings)
