I knew that.
I don't want to hear another word about it.
Don't get involved!
When you get mixed up with Clouseau...
- That's enough!
- What are you doing?
What does it look like? l'm doing what
l've done every morning for two years.
- But you can't!
- I'm sick and tired of you telling me
- what l can do and what l can't.
- Suit yourself.
I hope you like
the new pool cover you ordered.
(Muslim call to prayer)
- I think you made a mistake, Colonel.
- Wrong.
Never call me Colonel, Colonel Bufoni. I
am now your president and l am infallible.
It says so in the new constitution.
Which you wrote
when you were still a colonel.
And you were a captain, Colonel,
which you could soon become again.
Yes, Mr President.
It's just that sending for Clouseau...
Was a stroke of genius. He found the Pink
Panther before, he will find it again.
Possibly. And then?
Then... the grateful people of Lugash
will shower me, President Haleesh,
with praise and honour...
and their daughters.
And the insurance companies,
the ones which have already paid our
government's claim of 12 million dollars
for the theft of the Pink Panther,
what will they shower you with?
Why didn't you mention this
before l sent for Clouseau?
You've only just told me
that you'd requested assistance
from somebody else's police force.
- Maybe we can withdraw the request.
- Not "we", Mr President. "You."
Only you can't. Clouseau's plane at this
very minute is winging its way to Lugash.
Well, perhaps he won't
find the Pink Panther.
Perhaps he won't reach Lugash.
- Colonel, you wouldn't...
- To save my president.
Do what you must, Colonel.
Just don't tell me about it.