
- Beautiful!
- Hi, Alan.

Having fun
disintegrating things?

Not disintegrating,

A laser dismantles
the molecular structure.

Molecules remain suspended
in the laser beam.

When the computer
plays out the model,

the molecules
fall back into place,

and voilá!
- Great.

Can it send me
to Hawaii?

You've got to purchase
your program 30 days in advance.

- How's it going upstairs?
- Frustrating.

I had Tron
almost ready...

when Dillinger cut everyone
with Group-7 access out.

Ever since
he got...

that Master
Control Program,

the system's got more
bugs than a bait store.

You gotta expect
some static.

Computers are machines.
They can't think.

- Some programs will be thinking soon.
Computers will
start thinking,

and the people
will stop.

I'm gonna put
some data through.

- See you.
- Bye.

Come on.
- Did you say Group-7 access?
- Yeah.

What a hassle.
l was all set.

- Did he say why?
- Something about tampering.

Flynn has been

about breaking
into the system...

ever since
Dillinger canned him.

And he had
Group-7 access.

Flynn had access
to you, too.

I want to go
to Flynn's place.

- What for?
- To warn him.

- Of what?
- That Dillinger's onto him.

I don't see why I have
to do that guy any favors!

I don't know what
you saw in that guy.

I loved him for his brain.
Don't put change
in the meter.

We're gonna need
it for the games.
