- Roll nine.
- Rolling.
And ready, take nine.
No, I don't know.
We've gotta keep these lines clear.
- Did you get through?
- On the satellite audio circuit.
How is he?
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- That was Awad's car.
- Yeah.
New York calling.
- Press.
- It's the boss.
Mr. Hale!
Sally Blake, Globe Syndicate.
Well, what are you doing here?
A story on what you're doing here.
Let's see, you were an actor.
And a coal miner and a bartender
and a sailor...
...and a soldier of misfortune,
et cetera, et cetera.
- How'd you end up in television?
- I was invented for it.
Instant heroes. Football stars,
baseball, golf and tennis stars.
A galaxy of stars.
Famous names, gorgeous dames,
crashing cars...
...superstars like me.
Wish it were me.
- Married?
- Just lucky.
Lots of girls?
Off and on.
Hit and run.
No commitments,
like the rest of television.
How is the love life of a superstar?
Oh, it has its ups and downs.
What's the best thing you've done?
- Not written my autobiography.
- Mind if I use that?
Hell, that isn't news.
Besides, you've already got it on tape.