This all happened four hours ago.
Sally Blake, American reporter,
killed instantly.
The police here claim that the man
with her was an Israeli secret agent.
The terrorist Jew dies by
his own bomb. No question.
- The woman is spying for the CIA.
- No question!
No question.
I tried to reach Jack Philindros,
director of the CIA.
He wasn't in.
He wasn't out.
He was, I suppose,
somewhere in between.
Said Homer Hubbard,
embassy official...
Sally Blak e was murdered
to suppress the truth.
- The truth about what?
- About whoever killed her.
What's happened
to the American image?
How did America become
a dirty name?
Mr. President...
- We don't hate the American people.
- Except the Jews! No question!
- And President Lockwood!
- No question!
Jack Philindros just phoned
from his car.
He suggests we alert the secretary
of defence, vice president...
...General Wombat...
- Do it.
The Post says Mallory's coming out
with a statement about Sally Blake.
Don't they know he's crazy?
He was crazy when he was a senator.
He was even crazier
when he was president.
He's crazy enough to be insane.
Yes, sir. No question.
The ghost of Sally Blake cries out
for American justice.
And what's President Lockwood
doing about it?
Bunch of raggedy Riffs over there
screaming, "Death to America."
And what is America's answer?