- Hi.
- Expensive?
She works for us.
She's a sort of reporter.
What could be news
in a call house?
Loose women loosen
men's tongues.
Who's behind it?
- Who tipped you?
- A John.
Private eye, ex- FBI.
Make us a drink.
Get me the phone company.
I'll take it here.
Big guy. Phone company emblem
on his back.
Not sent by you?
You sure?
- Don't answer it!
- Hello?
The FBI says it was rigged
to explode...
... three to four seconds
after the phone was answered.
We were lucky.
It seems to be open season
on reporters.
Why was Sally Blake killed?
What secret did she know?
Was her information connected
with the suicide of King Awad?
As a direct descendant
of Mohammed...
... by killing himself,
he'd be killing the son of the prophet.
Suicide? Hardly.
We asked U.S. Intelligence...
Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence,
Our spy factories, all unavailable.