When a president
does something sticky...
...he can say he didn't do it
and plausibly deny it.
- Nice term.
- Eisenhower used it.
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon,
Ford and Carter used it.
Who takes the rap?
Whoever did what the president
said he didn't do, but did.
- Are you saying Lockwood did?
- Did what?
What he didn't do.
Do you have any idea how many
people hate the CIA?
You know how many people
have tried to destroy us?
Congressmen have tried, senators.
Even some of our own agents
have tried.
Your rat's just died.
The autopsy will show it died
of a heart attack.
That's a hell of a pen.
Do you really think it's important
who killed King Awad?
- Well, don't you?
- No.
I do.
And you're ready to go on national
television and blame the CIA?
- Can you keep a secret, sir?
- I doubt it.
Well, in that case, Mr. Hale...
"Croak him," "waste him,"
"grease him."
- And you still don't understand?
- No, sir.
Well, how's this:
K- l-double-L him, by God.
- By God, sir?
- By executive action.
Fire him! Shoot him!
Charge the CIA with treason!
- Too late.
- Deny it.
- Pat, boy!
- Mr. President.
- Excuse me.
- President's office.
You're angry.
Carrot juice?
A few answers, Mr. President,
spiked with the truth.
Well, I don't know where to begin.
How about "K-l-double- L him"?