Poisoned cigars? Darts?
Umbrella tips?
Or like the rat in the cage?
Awad's camp's a fortress,
but you got in and out. How?
You know I'm not wired.
What is the style of the CIA?
Is this where I get it?
You brought the king a birthday gift...
...a camera at the airport,
the day he died.
- I bought that camera myself.
- It wasn't the one he got.
He took a picture...
...of you.
Tiny needle, tiny puncture.
Hardly felt.
Seven hours later, dead.
Who switched the cameras?
Your Majesty, just a moment.
Your birthday gift.
You remembered.
Mike works for you?
But that means Awad was killed
before Lockwood gave the order.
- Before!
- Details.
You people get
bogged down in details.
You people? What people?
You're talking about me!
You've made me
accessory to murder!
That's not serious.
You're an amateur.
That's serious.
I don't believe this.
You'd say anything for the CIA.
Even the truth.