No question.
Crude oil going higher.
- Twenty-two dollars a barrel?
- Correct.
- Why punish the people of Europe?
- You're all the same.
Will oil prices ever go down?
Will President Lockwood
ever resign?
The price of gas went up
50 cents a gallon.
And not enough to go around.
Angry drivers lock ed
attendants in a toilet.
Meanwhile, other drivers
filled their tanks.
Blame the president.
Blame the oil companies.
Today, Wall Street went wild.
More than $3 billion changed hands.
Do you know how much
a billion dollars is?
You'd have to spend more than
$2.5 million every day for one year.
Oil up $ 22 a barrel.
President Lockwood down 26 points.
Gold up.
Lockwood down.
Food prices up.
Lockwood down.
The dollar down.
Lockwood way down.
A sad day for America.
We're a nation tired of being without...
... without jobs,
without pride...
... without hope...
... without leadership.
We've had enough, Mr. President.
Your own party's against you.
The whole world's against you.
Resign, Mr. President.
- Quit.
- Quit?
- We've just begun to fight, right?
- Damn right.
They've hit us below the belt.
They've whomped us behind the belt.
They've belted us with the belt.
So rally our friends.
Convert our enemies.