When the rats take over...
...call the exterminator...
...and blast off!
We have the men...
... and the means
to get the job done.
Turn us loose, Mr. President...
...and we'll blow them
all to hell and gone!
This was a special report
by Patrick Hale.
You won't believe this.
Two thousand phone calls, local.
Coast to coast clocked 40,000.
40,000! Our biggest ratings.
We're the hottest show on television!
It's bigger than
the Kennedy Act in Dallas.
It's bigger than the Super Bowl.
It'll be bigger tomorrow.
- Only if the human bomb tries it again.
- Let's pray for a double- header.
They'll mingle with the crowd.
If there's trouble...
What crowd?
There are no people.
I'm gonna be talking to nobody.
With coverage by all the networks,
cable, satellite television...
...more than one billion people
will see this event by tonight.
Here, in Times Square...
...it's like New Year's Eve.
But these people are not waiting
to blow out the new year.
They're waiting to see somebody
blow himself to pieces.
They all wanna see themselves
on television.
Actors in a real-life melodrama.