Look at the picture.
I look like a killer.
They'll think I'm a killer.
- What crime did you commit?
- Murder.
- You shot someone?
- Yeah.
- Why did you laugh?
- You said "I look like a killer."
Yeah. Just like a killer.
Konya passengers!
Stop there. Don't you know
it's forbidden to walk out.
I didn't know. I'm a convict.
I'm on leave.
This is my permit.
- What's this?
- My leave permit.
Leave permit? Are you a soldier?
Come with me!
It's forbidden to be on the streets
till 5 o'clock. We have martial law.
There's plenty time till 5.
Even 1 minute is too much for me.
Besides, my father is a
night watchman.
Who cares about a watchman?
We got orders. It's forbidden.
Don't waste your breath!
Don't upset them.
They'll beat you too. They
crushed two guys' heads.
- Got any cigarette?
- Yes.
- Give me one too, bro.
- Don't you have any?
They sell it on the black market,
to those who can afford it.
Can I have one too?
- So, are you a convict?
- Yes, I am.
My son's a convict too. In Edirne.
I wanted to see him
but I missed the bus.