Young Doctors in Love

Attention, at exactly 3:00 p. M...
all hospital electricity
will be turned off for five minutes.

At 2:59 p.m. All patients in oxygen tents...
- should take a deep breath and hold it.
- Where's Dr. Rist?

- Thank you.
- He's right over there.

Hello, Doctor.
- No, don't get up.
- Angela.

It's all right, I'll find a place.
Excuse me, sir.
Could you move over there,
give me a chance?

The light's better over there.
Could you hold this for a second?
All right, that's it. Over here.
Thank you. You're very cute.
- Thank you very much.
- This is for my father.

I knew that.
- Please sit.
- No, after you.

No, please. Sit down, will you?
It's good to see you, Angela.
How's my pop?
- The same.
- The same?

Hello, Stephanie. How's everything?
Your attention please.
ET, phone home.
I don't get a chance to be alone too much
because I have a large family.

I like cooking, cooking is nice.
And I read a book once.

I like to go to the ballgame.
What about you?

Well, I guess...
I'm basically into sharing.
Sunsets on wintry beaches, cats...
and relating over a fine bottle of wine.
What about you, Angela?
My father didn't take me out a lot.
There was the track, and there was Vegas.
But like a fucking museum
or a fucking concert, like fucking forget it.

- I like music.
- Music? Yeah?
