Seven months, I've been in this
stinking hospital, Sal.
The Gallentino family's losing money.
Do you realize the hell I've been
going through since I've been here?
They've made me drink chalk.
They stuck a tube up my ass.
They took x-rays.
They got this little camera on a wire.
They stuffed it up my wang.
I've had a lot of things
done to the old wang...
but Roto-Rooter ain't one of them.
Should I try it?
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have here a 46-year-old male...
with an inflamed appendix.
It will be removed by a 27-year-old male.
With an inflamed ego.
Do you really think that's funny?
Dr. August.
Well, what?
Start slicing.
Doctor, if you plan to remove the appendix,
you will have to break the skin.
Simon's really starting to look like a doctor.
Lyle, he should be playing football.