I've caught White Glove.
That's not him.
White Glove is blonde
and blue-eyed.
I'll bet for anything that
he did the diamond job.
He doesn't look capable of doing it.
I know, let me check him out.
With the latest
in I.Q. Testing I've learned
in the U.S.
But you have to work with me.
Please sit down.
Leave that. Take a seat.
I won't say a word
before my lawyer arrives.
Let's try an I.Q. Test.
After my lawyer arrives.
Do you know who I am?
I'm Kodojak, the famous No. 1
Chinese inspector in the U.S.
You must have heard of me before!
Oh sure!
Let's cooperate.
After my lawyer arrives.
Give me your hand.
You asked for it.
I haven't even started yet.
Easy does it.
Give it to me.
You hear.
Let's try the I.Q. Test instead.
This is a test reflexes.
Put your hand out.
Whoever hits the other's hand.
Is the winner.
Who goes first?
Me, of course!
Look over there.
My turn.
Can we stop now?
Put your hand out.
Make up your mind. Which one?
This one.
You sure it's this one?
There's my lawyer.
My turn now.