Remember, kids, only members of...
Annie's secret circle
can decode Annie's secret message.
Remember, Annie is depending on you.
Set your pins to B-2.
Here is the message.
12. 1 1. 2...
I am in my first secret meeting.
... 25. 14. 1 1. 18.
16. 23...
Pierre was in great voice tonight.
I could tell that tonight's message
was really important.
... 3. 25.
That's a message from Annie herself.
Remember, don't tell anyone.
Ninety seconds later
I'm in the only room in the house...
where a boy of nine can sit in privacy
and decode.
Ah! "B." I went to the next.
"E." The first word is "be"!
"S." It was coming easier now. "U."
Come on, Ralphie! I gotta go.
I'll be right down, Ma.
Gee whiz.
''T. O.''
"Be sure to." Be sure to what?
What was Little Orphan Annie
trying to say? Be sure to what?
Ralphie! Randy has got to go!
Will you please come out?
All right, Ma! I'll be right out!
I was getting closer now.
The tension was terrible. What was it?
The fate of the planet
may hang in the balance.
Ralphie! Randy's gotta go!
I'll be right out, for crying out loud!
Almost there! My fingers flew.
My mind was a steel trap.
Every pore vibrated.
It was almost clear.
A crummy commercial?