Oh, yeah.
All these people!
What do you suppose they're all doing?
According to the latest statistics,
about 1,775,000-. -
are getting it on-
That many, huh?
The rest are waiting
for Laverne and Shirley.
- Police 12 heading toward Sunset.
- Let's see what we can see-
I got a black guy in a beanie.
Looks like he's selling dope
out of a van.
- That a red beanie?
- Yeah, that's him.
He's ours-
Undercover buy program.
Right, right, right.
- You were at the briefing?
- Yes, sir. I guess I forgot, sir.
You're gonna fit right in.
Alr 12- We have a 2-11 In progress at
the Ilquor store, Birbank and Vineland-
Suspect's a male Negro.
Orange shlrt and a cowboy hat.
- That's for us.
- He's armed and has a hostage-
Call it in!
Air 12 to Central. Proceedlng
to the 2-11 at Burbank and Vlneland.
Let's get outta here!
- Grab that man!
- Bitch!
Air 12 to ground-
Your guy's headed toward the junkyard-
Orange shirt and a cowboy hat.
Whatever happened to inconspicuous?
- Hit him with the light-
- I got him.
- Jesus Christ!
- Welcome to Air Support.