Blue Thunder

- Call an ambulance.
- Right-

Look at that guy behind the Dumpster.
Ground units!

Ground unlts, we've got a man wlth a gun
behlnd that Dumpster. The other way!

We're going down.
We gotta dust him.

Hit the ground, sucker! Hit it!
Code four. They've got it knocked.
Sir, what was that business
with the watch?

Back in the ready room
with the watch?

Sort of a test.
I read if you think you're going over
the edge, you lose your sense of time.

With your eyes shut
you can't tell 25 seconds from five.

Oh, yeah, I get it, sir.
Yes, sir.

Stop calling me "sir."
You sound like David Copperfield.

Yes, sir- I mean, okay, sir.
Check that ride at 10:00.
- Which one?
- Underneath the trees, end of the road.

How do you see that shit?
- See it?
- Yep-

- It's got no plates on it.
- Well, call it in.

Abandoned vehicle-
Air 12 to Central.
Reporting an abandoned vehicle-
