- You can run, but you can't hide.
- Joe Louis- That's very good.
That's what I mean!
Frank, I'm gonna have to get tough
on you. Are you ready for that?
I'm ready.
Flve, four, three, two, one.
Cue Mario, take one.
Cue Mario, take one.
On the local front,
the top story is stlll...
the assault and attempted rape
of Dlana McNeely...
who chaired the mayor's Task Force
on Urban Violence-
Miss McNeely Is still
on the crltlcal Ilst.
We spoke to Chief Jensen thls morning
about the latest developments-
Up intll now we have nothing
on the two assailants.
They were withoit Identlflcatlon.
Probably Latln Amerlcan
and almost certalnly illegal allens.
Oir flngerprlnt teams
are going over. -.
The car they drove whlch was
apparently stolen from a parklng lot.
It Is unclear just what Impact
this latest Incldent wlll have... -
on the mlnority communlty
and the Increaslng raclal tensions...
We've just received word
that Alf Hewltt Is standlng by...
Salnt Joseph's Hospital
for a Ilve report.
Commlssloner Dlana McNeely died
at 8:47 thls mornlng...
due to compllcatlons from a gunshot
woind whlch penetrated her neck...
and lodged In her splnal colimn
beneath the third cervlcal vertebra.
Mlss McNeely remained inconsclois- Had
she Ilved, she woild've been paralyzed-
Thls is Alf Hewltt,
Ilve from Salnt Joseph's Hospital.