Its six barrels are capable. -.
Of firing 4,000 rounds
of ammunition per minute.
And that, gentlemen, is one hell
of a shit storm in anybody's language.
Let's take a look. -.
And watch the lady strut her stuff.
Red dummies represent terrorists-
The white are civilians,
innocent bystanders.
The object is for our pilot
to knock out...
the red dummies and the black car-
He shouldn't touch any of the others.
In a riot situation, we want to get
the bad guys and protect the innocents-
Oh, my God.
With that kind of firepower,
it wouldn't be used. -.
Unless our worst case scenario
came to pass, like armed insurrection.
It's comforting to know
you've got it on tap.
Gentlemen, let me have
your attention-
Notice the selectivity of the firing.
This is not a strafing run
where you tear up a whole street-
This little lady picks
her targets carefully. Watch.