Blue Thunder

Terrific shooting.
- Beautiful, just beautiful.
- Beautiful, was it?

Goddamn it!
I had another stoppage-

I nearly killed the lot of you
on that second pass.

Tell ordinance if it happens again,
I'll have their balls for breakfast.

There's somebody I want you to meet-
- Well, what do you know!
- A friend of yours?

An old war buddy- Bastard tried
to have me court-martialed.

Sorry I brought it up.
Look who it isn't-
Colonel Cochrane, this is
Captain Braddock of the Astro Division.

And Frank Murphy- Frank is going
to do the actual testing over the city-

Finally made colonel?
If you're a nice guy,
nice things happen to you-

I'll try to remember that-
Step this way for any questions.
How did we draw him?
He and his observer were assigned to us.
I didn't realize you were acquainted.

Only too well, I'm afraid.
I'd have had that bastard up on charges
if he hadn't caught some shrapnel.

No. He's totally unsuitable
for our purpose.

I'll call Mr- Holmes tonight.
Don't bother him-
I think we can handle it-

This controls night sun
with a heat-sensitive infrared filter.

Over here is your TV camera
with a 100-to-1 zoom lens-

Could've used this in Nam.
- Could've used something.
- Do you think you can fly it?

You flew it, didn't you?
I'll check you out myself tomorrow.
Be on the pad 12:00 sharp.
12:00 sharp.
Catch you later.
Stand back from there.

Irritating little cocksucker,
isn't he?
