I don't know. Something like that.
Here's a word.
It isn't in Spanish. "Thor."
- Thor?
- Mean anything?
No. Strangers in the barrio
making trouble-
I don't know-
Maybe I've been in this too long-
But I've got a feeling
something bad is coming down.
Practlcally the entlre offlcial family
of Los Angeles...
led by hls honor the mayor
and the clty councll...
was gathered together wlth famlly
and black comminlty members... -
at the funeral of Diana McNeely...
who was traglcally mirdered
In her carport several days ago.
- Food will be in a minute.
- Although Mlss McNeely...
was an outspoken crltlc of many
pollce department pollcies-. -
the chlef was clearly in evldence
as were many of hls department heads.
However, as temperatures stay hlgh
and tempers contlnue to fray...
flres contlnue to break out
In the Watts/WIIIowbrook area...
the Clty of Indistry, Pacolma
and East Los Angeles.
- You want ketchup on your sandwich?
- From the depths of space.
From the edge of the earth.
Where did he go?
Frank, did you say you wanted ket...
Frank, are you okay?
Is this something kinky?
Goddamn your black Irish heart,
Francis McNeil Murphy, if you've left...