Holmes is arriving tonight-
Let him take care of it.
- What do you want to do?
- Clear him.
Blie Thunder, Tower.
Wind 330 degrees at 15-
Altimeter 3002-
Clear for takeoff.
Departure Tower.
Blue Thunder off at 2030 feet.
Comlng on 160.5. Trafflc advlsories.
Let's hope he knows
what he's doing.
- How does she fly?
- Nose-heavier than the Ayatollah.
- You're crazy. This stuff's great.
- Great, huh?
Let's see what this turkey has got.
Let's go-
- Orbit right.
- What?
Orbit right.
HI, there.
- Go to 45. You gotta hear this.
- I wondered If you knew...
where a giy coild get
something good to eat around here.
It depends on what a guy's hungry for.
You know what I mean?
I'm going to video.
Sishl would be nlce.
- Sushi?
- Remember the last time we did this?
- Try the zoom-
- Zoom- Right-