The people clear it with their
security patrol and they zap it to us.
Oh! Let the good times roll!
No! No, not yet! Not yet.
No! I'm not ready!
Stupld pitz!
Sounds like old double-dork
is missing a step or two.
We recorded this?
It's all on tape.
It's locked In the memory bank.
Llsten, I thlnk double-dork
Is entltled to a qulckle, don't you?
- You can erase that tape, can't you?
- The memory bank's locked.
- But I can get In there.
- Good.
This mother hears through walls-
Fires 4,000 rounds a minute-
- Peeks down dresses at 1,000 feet.
- There's more than that.
This terminal is hooked
into every data bank there is.
A dozen of these copters
and you could run the country-
Watch this. I feed it my name, right?
They've got your whole life in here-
Hit mine.
Murphy, Frankie.
'File under repair"?
Did you break your file?
That's weird-
Speclal base to Blue Thunder.
Come In.
Blie Thunder.
- It's a wrap tonight. Come on home.
- Ten-four.
I better get going.