Blie Thunder to base- Final approach.
Altimeter 2995-
Cleared to land.
Does your buddy Cochrane
drive a gray Corvette?
Yeah. Why?
Check 9:00.
He's in some kind of hurry.
Oh, yeah.
- Check Cochrane out.
- On the computer?
Yeah- I'm gonna tag along-
Blue Thunder, this Is tower.
Do yoi copy? Is there a problem?
That's Cochrane, F.E., U.S. Army.
What's the F.E. Stand for?
- Fuck everybody-
- Marvy-
We're almost there-
Blue Thunder, this Is tower.
Do you copy?
- Coming in garbled. Can't read you.
- L got Washington-
Go for it!
Cannot read you, Special Base.
Stlll garbled.
Blie Thunder, come in. Do you read me?
Breaking up, Special Base.
Can't read you.
Still garbled.
Here it comes-
"Sole survivor." Is he kidding?
"Project Thor"? Wait a minute.
- L know what that is-
- Request information.
Thor Project.