Blue Thunder to Tower.
Wlnd 330 degrees at 15-
Altlmeter 03002.
Clear to land?
Ten-twelve trafflc, 1:00,
two mlles northeast bound.
It's a Cessna 182 at 5,000 VFR.
Blue Thunder down at 2130.
Captain Braddock wants to see you
in the office right away.
L'm gonna get the key card
for the tape.
Be careful.
Yes, sir, I will.
Well, sir, he's not that...
Very well, sir. L will-
All right, sir, I will.
Yes, thank you-
- Did you have a nice flight?
- L enjoyed it- Wish you could've come-
I hope so because it will be
your last one for a while.
- Listen, Jack...
- No, you listen, Frank-
It's the way it's got to be. Me captain,
you cop- Me talk, you listen-
If you notice I don't have an ass
when I get up-. -
it's because the old man
just chewed it off just like that.
You're beautiful when you're angry, but
I'd like a more private conversation.
We don't have any secrets
from Mr. Icelan.
You're off the program, Frank.
You and your buddy Lymangood.
L'll be lucky if I'm not out in Pacoima
tomorrow driving a black-and-white.
Captain Braddock speaking.
Yes, sir, he's here, Colonel.
Guys, don't forget to check
under the hood.
Just gonna get my cuff links.