Damn it! Murphy!
Thls Is Speclal Base.
Commander, come in.
Los Angeles Moblle.
Mobile, get me KBLA-TV-
That number is Ilsted
In your dlrectory, slr.
Don't give me any static- This is
a police emergency. Get me KBLA-TV now.
Good afternoon. KBLA-TV.
L want to speak to Marlo Machado
or Alf Hewltt.
They're not here. They're In the fleld.
Want to leave a message?
Tell them this is Officer Frank Murphy,
Astro Division.
L've got a package coming their way.
Do you read me?
- That's Frank Astro?
- No- Frank Murphy, Astro Division-
Pollce emergency.
Yoi got It, sweetheart?
- Yeah, I got It.
- Okay. Moblle?
- Los Angeles Moblle.
- Llsten, I need another number.
- Hello.
- Kate, It's Frank.
Where are you?
L've been worried sick about you-
I'm okay, baby-
I want you to pick up a package-
It's In a drlve-in at the corner
of Vlctory and Riverslde.