The $5 milllon prototype
was itterly destroyed...
when Officer Mirphy,
hls gasollne supply exhausted. - .
Set the hellcopter down In the tracks
In front of a southbound frelght train.
That was fhe end of the speclal
hellcopter, bit not of thls story.
On the strength of the tape Mirphy
dellvered to this reporter today...
the mayor has reopened
the Investlgatlon Into the death...
of Councllwoman Dlana McNeely...
whlch might also be connected wlth the
death of Offlcer Rlchard Lymangood...
of the Astro Dlvlslon.
Half a dozen members
of the local pollce department...
and several government offlclals of both
the State and Justlce Departments...
have been detained for questlonlng.
Comlng up, the weather and a sneak
prevlew of a Japanese bullet train...
soon to be seen In the Soithland,