Hold it a second. I think I got it.
Hey, there it is! You got it.
Okay, Hal, let's slate it.
Gordy, follow Hal around with the slate.
Hal, get the slate in there.
I got it.
Hold it one minute.
Okay. Slate it.
We've got speed.
Test, October 11th, 10:41 p.m. Mark.
To the kitchen.
Good idea. Let's eat.
Lou, what do you got for me?
Here you go, Gordy. Everything you said.
- Slating.
- It's all bad.
Hot and cold...
...sweet and sour...
...chewy and melt-in-your-mouth bad!
Let's try something exotic.
You name it, Gordy.
A little steak.
A little steak comin' up.
Peanut butter.
Peanut butter.
Hot fudge!
Hot fudge?
A few nuts.
And some marshmallow sauce.
Marshmallow sauce.
And put a cherry on top.
Man, marshmallow and cherry on steak?