I can't stay here now.
Oh, well, that's okay. I can...
...take care of all the packing and stuff.
- You sure?
- Sure.
It's a lot to do.
Do you have cardboard boxes?
Yes, I have cardboard boxes.
I can take care of it all. Don't worry.
You could go live over at the center.
Lillian's there.
This is Flight Simulation Lab Control.
Sold your house yet?
I keep telling you
the rooms at the center are so cheap.
I know.
At 9:38 p.m. pilot Gordon Forbes is
performing a low-level simulated assault.
Range: 100 yards and closing.
Ninety. Simulated altitude, 60 feet.
Ground speed, 512 knots.
Assault range, 85.
It's not worth it, Gordy! Don't do it!
Pilot Forbes, you're...
...off of the simulation.
Sweet target in sight.
Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Brace...
...your pilot has lost control.
- Helmet's on?
- Yeah.
Contact. Okay, let's get in.
How's that? Okay.
Give me the seat belts.
Okay, Gordy. Hit it.
Great gas pedal. Let's go!
Come on, Gordy!
Yeah, I'm comin'. Wait a minute.