
For you.
I'll see you later, upstairs.
This is the result of teamwork, gentlemen.
A group of...
...brilliant, creative scientists cocoon
for ten years in a laboratory without...

...outside intervention.
My job has been to protect
that environment.

That lab is sacred ground.
And, with due respect to you all...

...I don't want to muddy it with any boots
from outside, military or civilian.

That's all very well, Dr. Terson,
but we paid for that cocoon.

I think we have every right to know
what goes on.

I accept that responsibility, sir.
I'm not talking about
a military or civilian potential now.

I am talking about a breakthrough.
A communications breakthrough.
Words don't do it.
Pictures don't do it. This...
...might be the beginning.
But you've got to let my people breathe.
You've got to...
Well, here they are.
Lillian, good to see you again.
I didn't see you downstairs, Colonel.
Well, we all just got in
and we can only stay a few minutes.

Captain Barty.
Mr. Zimbach.
Colonel Easterbrook.
- And Landon Marks.
- It's a real, real pleasure, Dr. Reynolds.

- Do I know you?
- Yes. Cal Tech. '56.

I wanted you all to get to know each other.
Dr. Reynolds, of course.
Karen Brace...
...Dr. Brace.
And Mr. Abramson.
We're tremendously enthusiastic
about your recent breakthrough.

Yes. We've been working on
an array system ourselves...

...but with slow progress.
That's understandable.
Of course, we've been looking
at the application...

...from a different point of view.
What point of view is that, Colonel?
Blowing people to kingdom come?

Lillian, I think we can let
the colonel express his opinion.
