
Slow down !
Are you guys having a war?
She's pissed otf
'cause l'm taking shop. My dad too.

lt won't embarrass them when you
fix their stupid Volvo for free.

- What?
- Last night, we're playing Scrabble.

It's neck-and-neck between me and her.
We blew my dad away early.

So, at the end, l had this choice
of ''ratio'' for five lousy points...

- or...
- Or what, Arnie?

''tellatio'' for 24 points
and the game.

- What'd she do?
- She won by seven points...

because obscenity's not allowed
in Scrabble.

- And it's in the dictionary!
- You jerk, Arnie. Jesus.

You know, Arnie,
l was thinking--

No, seriously.
Now that we're gonna be seniors,
l figure it's about time...

that we got you laid.
- You know, like this year, huh?
- You need a girl to get laid.

- What about Gail Justin?
- l don't like her mustache.

Fuck you! What do you care
if you get a little hair in your mouth?

Okay. How about Sally Hayes?
She's cute.

- She's a sophomore!
- So what? She's a walking sperm bank.

l know. Come on.
l don't have the minimum deposit
to open an account.

Are you kidding? You carry
your lite savings between your legs.

Come on, Arnie.
l think maybe
l'll just beat off.

Are you playing
football this year or what?

Somebody's got to pick it up
when you fumble.

- Hey, Terry.
- How's your gimpy knee?

lt's better.
Coach wants me to practice.

Yeah? lt's about time. l've been eatin'
dirt with your name on it for weeks.

Hi, Dennis.
