
Forget it. This baby's got
93,000 miles on it.

Probably 193.
I don't care.
- l bet it won't even start.
- She'll start.

You need these.
How much do you want for her?
- Whatever it is, it's not enough.
- Jesus, Arnie.

Sonny, you ever owned a car before?
- Yeah, he owns a Mustang--
- No. l just got my license.

Name's George LeBay.
Arnie Cunningham.
What are you asking?

Start her up.
Her name's Christine.
l like that.
Come on. We gotta get going.
My asshole brother
bought her in September, '57.

You got your new model year
in September.

Brand-new, she was.
She had the smell
of a brand-new car.

About the finest smell in the world,
except maybe for pussy.

When he got her,
she had six miles on the odometer.

Goddamn Roland went through hell
and back with Christine.

lf your brother loves this car so much,
why is he selling it?

'Cause he's stone cold dead.
Died six weeks ago.
So, Mr. LeBay...
how much do you want for her?
l've been asking 300.
