
You know, you better find yourself some
other charity besides me and Christine.

What is it about that car?
I don't know.
Maybe it's just that for the first time
l've found something uglier than me.

And l know l can fix her up.
You're not ugly, Arnie.
I know what l am.
Queer, maybe, but not ugly.
Fuck you.
Oh, bug out, Dennis.
You don't need this shit.

Where have you been?
You had us worried sick!

You don't just up and drive off
whenever you--

As l walk along l wonder
What went wrong with our love
A love that was so strong
He's done all this shit
in three weeks.

Look how cockeyed he works.
He's got tuckin' brand-new
windshield wipers...

for a busted windshield.
Well, the boy does
have good hands.

Good hands.
