
''5,000 Dirty Limericks.''
Ought to keep you busy for a while.
This is the third time
l've come by.

Must be dynamite drugs.
You're always asIeep.

Doesn't quite kill the pain.
Rockbridge hasn't won a game
since you got hurt.

That makes you a hero, right?
Did l tell you that l'm not gonna
be playing football again? Ever.

The doctor said that
one centimeter more...

and l would have been paralyzed
trom the waist down.

Shitters did some job on you, huh?
So what's this
about you and Leigh Cabot?

- We like each other okay.
- Ho-ho. Listen to Mr. Cool.

She just happens to be
the most beautiful girl in the school.

Well, it's not what you think.
l really...

respect her mind.
She lusts after my body.
What can I say?

Fuck you.
l saw you guys at the football game.
How'd you ever get that car
tixed up like that?

Oh, just plain
old-fashioned hard work.
