What's its name?
It never obeys!
Really. I can't train it.
I'm going to sell that dog.
I bought it for the kid.
But it's a lousy dog.
Got a good second hand car?
Time I changed mine.
I'd like a Fregate.
Can you find me one?
Maybe. How much do you want
to spend?
I don't know yet...
I'm onto a deal...
It could even interest you...
You'd have to put up
a little money.
How much?
What is it?
A batch of American shirts.
There's a whole trainload.
18 cars full.
All sizes. We'd be partners.
Or I could borrow it from you.
10% interest for a week loan.
I didn't dare mention it before...
When did it start?
About a month. The first time,
I hung up on him.
What does he say?
Nothing. Nonsense...
He wants to see me,
get to know me...
He's crazy.
I can't get over it.
Michel phoning you...
But he won't call again.
I told him if he did, I'd tell you.
What did he say?
Nothing. It's over.
He won't insist.