Hey, hey, look.
He's some kind of nut.
Look at him.
Loves his exercise.
Hey, man. Nice legs.
Fuck you!
Ow, sweet thing!
How you doing, baby?
Good morning,
baby, how are you?
Good morning,
Miss Blittstein.
Fix your shirt.
You're so sloppy.
Come on, girls.
Let's go to work.
Hey, Boss, check out the geek!
Yeah, I want you
to see this guy.
Slow down, Diavolo.
It's the same guy.
He's cute.
He's got nice legs
for a geek.
You're right.
Forget it, we're late.
Let's go, Diavolo.
Well, anchors away, sweetheart.
Don't forget to
take the Dramamine.
Oh, come on, Jasmine, baby.
What can he do
that I can't do?
Never mind.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Hi, Stretch. Are you getting
taller or did I break a heel?
Not to mention
checks aren't supposed to
bounce, are they?