Doctor Detroit

Wait a second, man,
what are you talking about?

It's not my fault that you spent
all that money on those clothes, shoes,

this big gas-guzzling tank,
and that penthouse of yours.

Diavolo, I didn't say it was
your fault, I said it was your problem.

Now we have to find
ourselves a patsy, okay?

Well, what kind of
patsy you talking about?

I don't know.
Somebody who could be
Doctor Detroit,

whatever the hell that is.
A yo-yo.
Where are you gonna
find a geek like that?

Yep, yep, how was it?
"Mulligatawny soup,
lamb vindaloo,
alu parathas, saag"...

All on the special.

Excuse me, please.
Pardon me, sir.
Mr. Skridlow, welcome.

Please, this way.
Mr. Skridlow,
the lamb vindaloo is
very, very good this evening.

That's just what
I was thinking.

What a coincidence.
I will bring
the waiter over right away.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So he wears
this little sailor suit

And I do my best
"Flower of the Orient" number.

Like it's 1931 and we're
in Long Bar in Shanghai.

That sounds like fun.
Till we play
"find the gunboat. "

Isn't that the funny-looking
guy with the great legs?

Ooh, yeah.
Great legs, nice tushie,
I think he's cute.

Hi, honey.
Ah, he didn't hear me.
Hiya, girls.
I'm sorry I'm late.

Hey, you made it.
Just barely.
Ah, Bourbon, no ice, double.
What's the matter, Smoothie,
you had a rough day, honey?

Been talking business
all day long.

Just money, money.
Blah, blah...

And, everything is fine.
Girls, girls, look,
