it takes a lot of
time and energy
just to cover our investments
every day, okay?
I don't wanna talk
about it during dinner.
Hey, Smooth.
Look, your old friend.
Son of a bitch.
Here we are, sir.
Yeah, listen.
You see the guy over here?
The four-eyed gentleman with
his nose buried in the book?
The guy with
the seat-cover sport jacket.
Yes, sir.
I wanna buy him a drink.
Yes, sir.
No, uh, I wanna
buy him dinner.
Very good, sir.
Chop, chop.
Mmm, generous!
Excuse me, sir,
but the gentleman
at the table opposite you
with the young ladies
would like you to
join him for dinner.
Really? I can't believe it.
Sell it, girls.
I wonder
what the man could want.
Homosexual come-on, maybe.
No, he couldn't be gay,
not with all those
beautiful women.
And even if he is,
maybe they're not.
What harm in accepting
the man's hospitality?
But, no free lunch
in this world, say I.
I can thank him though.
Yes, I'll thank him.
the decent thing to do.
Uh, this is
most unexpected.
Do I know you?
Perhaps you were in my
Comp-Lit 101 class at Monroe?
I don't believe so.
Excuse me, I'm Jasmine...
And I'm totally
Allow me to
introduce everyone.
This is Karen,
and I'm Smooth Walker.
This is Monica,
Jasmine, of course,
and this is Thelma.
You are...
Uh, Clifford Skridlow.
My friends call me Cliff.
Clifford, oh, how cute.
Well, join us, Cliff.
Uh, well,
I- I've... I've already ordered...
Why don't I have Mr. Skridlow's
dinner brought to this table?