Doctor Detroit

This is the best time
I've ever had

in my entire life!
Do you hear me, world?
My entire life!
You gonna make it, man?
Yeah, yeah, thank you,
I think so.

Thank you, thank you.
Take care, my brother.
Hello, Son.
Hello, Father.
That's a late night.
I guess, a little.
Good morning, Clifford.
Breakfast anyone?
No, none for me.
Oh, of course not.
You're probably gonna
starve yourself to death.

What makes you think
that I'd take my own life?

Oh, I was speaking
figuratively, dear.

But these
financial statements...

Clifford, cash
your paycheck quickly.

Margaret! Mar... Mar...
Would you please excuse me?

That is private business
between the trustees and me.

Forget it,
everything's peachy...

Harmon Rousehorn,
I'm gonna call him

and tell him to
cancel his visit.

We don't need
his endowment check.

Don't you dare.
My God!
Oh! Honestly, some people
just can't take a joke.

I'm gonna water
my begonias.

Well, I would prefer
for you to hear it from me.

But without the
Rousehorn endowment check

this college can't even meet
its current payroll.

But we are getting the check.
I mean, Rousehorn's coming in
to present it himself.

It's a major endowment.
It's in the press.

Look, son, without
that check, Monday next

the banks are gonna
close this college down.

Close it down.
